Menopause Treatment Options
Menopause is a normal occurrence in women of a certain age. Like most other bodily changes that occur over the course of a lifetime, the menopause comes with its own signs and symptoms. These symptoms are often vaginal dryness and hot flashes, which can be very uncomfortable.
This is a result of the falling of certain hormone levels, such as oestrogen, for instance. Fortunately, there’s no need for you to struggle with these symptoms. We live in an age where treatment options exist.
Hormone-Based Treatment
Menopause treatment doesn’t mean counteracting the menopause. It entails relieving the symptoms and managing the chronic conditions that come with age. Hormone-based treatmenthere includes oestrogen therapy, which is considered the most effective for menopausal hot flashes.
Oestrogen helps prevent bone loss, which is common in ageing women. However, there are some cardiovascular and breast cancer risks involved with hormone therapies, so it’s important that you consult your doctor about this.
In any case, here are a few oestrogen therapies for relieving the effects of the menopause.
Oestrogen Pill
These are the most common treatment for the symptoms of the menopause.Oestrogen pills are available as forms of oestradiol and conjugated oestrogens. In terms of dosing, you should always follow your doctor’s instructions.
Your doctor may prescribe toy progestin, in addition to oestrogen, if you still have your uterus.
Oestrogen Patch
The oestrogen patch is typically worn on the skin of your abdomen or buttocks. Some patches are replaced two times per week, while others are replaced on a weekly basis – this depends on the dose.
There are patches that combine oestrogen and progestin, for menopausal women who still have their uteri.
Topical Oestrogen
Topical oestrogen treatment is also absorbed directly through the skin, and into the bloodstream. This form of oestrogen comes in gels, creams, and sprays. Keep in mind that the application specifics for this treatment vary. Usually, though, topical oestrogen is applied to the skin once per day.
Vaginal Oestrogen
This treatment is specifically aimed at women who experience vaginal dryness, burning, itchiness, and intercourse pain.
Vaginal oestrogen comes in cream, ring, and tablet form. It is inserted vaginally using an applicator once per day for the first two weeks, and twice per week after that. The dosing frequency, however, may vary.
Other Treatment Options
In addition to hormone therapies, other menopause treatment options can be introduced to relieve discomfort, pain, and mood issues in menopausal women. Here are some of them.
Antidepressants are often prescribed in small doses. These drugs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and help with hot flashes. This is often used in women who can’t take any form of oestrogen treatment for health reasons.
Antidepressants are also used in alleviating menopausal mood disorders.
Although this medicine is primarily used for seizure treatment, it has shown good results in reducing hot flashes. It is specifically effective for night-time hot flashes.
Clonidine is used to treat high blood pressure, but it also might provide relief from hot flashes. It is applied in patch form.
Osteoporosis Medications
Medications that are used in the prevention/treatment of osteoporosis are used to reduce bone lossresulting from low oestrogen levels. Additionally, vitamin D is prescribed for strengthening the bones further.
Testosterone Treatment
In cases of reduced sexual desire, the male hormone, testosterone, can be used to restore the sex drive. The side-effects here, however, may include unwanted hair growth and acne.
Natural Remedies
Every menopause symptom can be alleviated through the use of some natural remedies. Hot flashes and night sweats, for example, can be alleviated with lighter clothing, maintaining cool environments, taking cold showers, exercise, weightloss, etc. Avoid triggers such as smoking, caffeine, alcohol, and spicy food.
Yoga, tai chi, exercise, and other relaxing activities can help alleviate mood changes in menopausal women. If you get the feelings of anxiety and depression on a frequent basis, resorting to cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, might be of help here.
Dealing with Menopause
As mentioned earlier, there is no real “treatment” to counteract the menopause. However, there are many options available out there that will help you alleviate pain, discomfort, and potential consequences of the lack of oestrogen. It’s vital that you consult your GP forany of the mentioned treatment options.
Don’t worry, menopause treatment options do exist.