How the Bowflex Enabled Me to Eliminate Back Pain

As a sufferer of chronic back pain, I have tried a lot of things to remedy my aching back. I have some spinal issues that just basically make my back hurt. Years ago I simply got used to getting up in the morning and being in some pain from the night before. Obviously, a bed that is comfortable for you helps, but I also discovered something that has pretty much eliminated my back pain as well, and that is a Bowflex.

Being a work-out guy, I have always tried various machines, etc to stay in shape. However, lifting weights is not always possible or a good thing with a bad back. So, you would think that that would preclude using a Bowflex. However, what I discovered is that the range of motion offered in the Bowflex exercises is vastly superior to most other machines or exercises that you can do on your own. It works a range of muscles that is particularly help to those of us with back problems.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not lift a ton of ‘weight’ with my Bowflex, I basically use it for stretching purposes with more resistance than you would get from stretching alone. There are a huge variety of exercises that you can utilize with one of these machines and they are all good for your back. Plus, the machine is simple to use, simple to adjust and does not take up much space. The older model that I first bought folded up with one simple step and fit in a closet or corner. I have a newer machine now, but the principle is the same.

I use my Bowflex on a near daily basis. If I am gone from home on vacation or something for a few days, my back feels it. Over the years, I have found that these machines hold up very well and are reliable, but occasionally when I wear out a part, I definitely miss the machine in the days that it takes for the part to arrive. By the way, Bowflex does have a very competent support center who will take care of you if you ever have a problem that needs fixing.

I am not trying to advertise for Bowflex. However, if you have back pain like I do, you probably wouldn’t mind doing something about it. The Bowflex is one of the best solutions I have found and I have been using one for over 15 years.

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