Ultimate Checklist to Understand Rheumatoid Arthritis As Per Ayurveda

Diseases affecting joints are referred as rheumatic disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis is a common symptom. Poor response of the immune system is the main reason for any inflammation of the joints. Do we know the real cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis? The real cause is still unidentified. Ayurveda has Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment that is very effective and suitable for everyone.

Incidents of Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • This treatment in Ayurveda is provided to the patients based on the cause.
  • The condition is likely to be inherited and many environmental factors that cause this disease.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol is one of the major reasons to disturb the immunity system
  • Pollution, insecticide, and cosmetics can also increase the risk of the same
  • It is likely to affect women between the ages of 40 to 60 years

What does Ayurveda say about Rheumatoid Arthritis?

This treatment in Ayurveda is the safest and it is more effective. According to Ayurveda, the toxin Ama is secreted in the body due to weak metabolism and poor immunity. These toxins are accumulated in the weak joints and lead to inflammation of joints. People living in the cold and damp area are likely to be exposed to this disease.

Identifying the cause of the disease to provide Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment

Unhealthy food habits can lead to it. Heavy food, eating stale food, junk items, frozen and processed food increases the risk of this disease. Overeating and frequent eating habits also increase the chance of this disease. It is better to avoid eating at irregular times and at late night.

It is wise to avoid food that has opposite reaction. Drinking cold water after eating a hot meal confuses your digestive track. Avoid eating milk along with fish. Follow a correct diet pattern and you can stay away from the same.

Exercise is a good habit and if you eat without proper exercise, you are likely to be affected with the same. On the other hand, too much of exercise will also spoil your routine. Mental stress and emotional imbalances can lead to rheumatoid arthritis

Warning signs, you must not ignore

  • Seek assistance and start Rheumatoid treatment if you are facing any of these symptoms.
  • Morning stiffness of joints that lasts for more than an hour
  • Swelling on multiple joins
  • Swollen fingers, hand, wrist are warning signs you must not miss

Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment by Ayurveda

The World has now turned its attention to Ayurveda. There are a lot of advancements happening in the field of Ayurveda and the treatment has no side effects. This treatment through Ayurveda is simple and effective. Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties that improve the symptoms of the patient and cures the disease.

According to Ayurveda, this treatment involves correcting the body metabolism, improving the digestive track and following the right diet regimens, that improves immunity and joint stability. This treatment also suggests you take internal medication that will reduce the pain and inflammation.

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