Top 8 Reasons For Hair Loss You Should Know

Having healthy, thick and strong hair, as shown in shampoo advertisements, is a natural desire of each of us. But we surely do not get everything we want due to one or another reason. If you want to know why you are losing your hair so quickly, this article is for you. We will tell you why this happening is and what to do about it.
What Causes Hair Loss?
On average, human hair grows 15 centimeters per year. However, this is an individual indicator, and it is different for each person. At any given moment, about 90% of the hairs on the head are in the growth phase; the remaining 10% are at rest. In this case, the resting phase lasts from two to six months, after which the hair falls out.
Then the hair follicles that have left the head, rest for about three months and everything starts all over again. Hair growth resumes, and a new cycle begins. Research by scientists has shown that most of the hair at rest in humans is observed in July. Thus, the body protects the scalp from overheating. So in about 100 days, in October, we all experience increased hair loss. But you should not worry about this as this is normal physiology, and this process does not threaten us with anything.
It’s another matter when a person loses more than 100-150 hairs every day for a long time and hair on his head has become noticeably less. In this case, you need to find the root cause of the problem and find out how to help your hair. To do this, consider the following possible reasons:
- Giving Birth To Baby
During pregnancy, the hair of the females looks especially attractive: healthy, silky, strong, and even seems to have become thicker. This is because fewer hairs are at rest than usual. But after childbirth, when the level of hormones changes and comes to a pre-pregnant norm, physiology takes its toll. It means that hair starts to fall out more quickly, but do not worry, new hair will come to replace them in a couple of months.
- Drinking Alcohol In Abundance
Though consumption of alcohol does not affect your hair growth or loss, excessive drinking can indirectly cause damage to your hair. It happens because alcohol abuse causes nutritional deficiencies as well as hormonal changes in the body that causes hair loss. In addition, if you do not give up alcohol, your hair will stay prone to split ends, dryness, and breakage.
You should consult a specialist who can guide you through the process of alcohol treatment and help you become sober. For this, you can find alcoholism treatment facilities in any State you are living in; however, treatment centers in NH or North Hampshire are quite extraordinary.
So if you really want to get rid of alcoholism to get your old shiny hair back or protect your hair from further damage, you must visit the rehab center now and get all detail. Even if you can’t visit, you can always make a call.
- Suffering From Dermatological Diseases
The scalp, just like the body skin, is affected by many diseases, and one of the most prominent diseases is seborrheic dermatitis. In this condition, a person suffers from stubborn dandruff, scaly patches, and red scalp skin. Many people try to fight it drastically by buying special shampoos at the pharmacy.
But not only are these rather aggressive drugs but they are also often misused, confusing dermatitis with dandruff or psoriasis. Treatment for each problem is different, and the wrong tactics worsen the symptoms. As a result, increased hair loss occurs. Thus, you must consult your doctor for getting proper treatment.
- Lack Of Protein In Your Diet
The hair shaft is made up of keratin, a family of fibrillar proteins. Therefore, for the normal growth of hair, the body needs a sufficient amount of protein. You can get it not only from animal products like fish and meat, dairy products, eggs, but also from vegetable products like peas, lentils, beans, mushrooms. So add more of these products to your diet to prevent further hair loss.
- Staying Under Stress
Living in constant stress can deprive not only deprive your head of hair but will also noticeably thin out the eyebrows and eyelash line, the genital area and other parts of the body. Moreover, both women and men are at the same risk.
Stress works against the body, regardless of age. Therefore, it is so important to master at least one technique that overcomes stress – for example, yoga. It will seriously help you out in dealing with tough conditions like stress.
- Deficiency Of Iron
Most often, women face this problem due to natural blood loss on critical days. But sometimes, tough diets and hunger strikes, as well as poor nutrition, are to blame. Iron deficiency can be suspected by the following signs: a feeling of drowsiness, loss of strength, and general weakness.
If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor, and while waiting for an appointment with a specialist, you can lean on foods containing iron like liver, beef, rye bread, egg yolk, and pomegranates.
- Change In Hormonal Levels
Changes in hormonal levels when taking birth control pills or not taking them, as well as when menopause occurs in a woman’s body, can affect the condition of her hair. “In the latter condition, the hair follicles shrink, and the woman loses more hair,” explains MD, dermatologist Mark Hammonds. To change the situation, you need to see a doctor to get a suitable treatment according to your needs.
- Losing Weight Quickly
A sudden decrease in body weight can also lead to thinning hair, even if weight loss is generally desirable for the body. The probable reason lies in the fact that weight loss in itself is stressful for the body.
Moreover, people often choose dangerous methods for losing weight, which leads to the development of deficient conditions in the body. Rapid weight loss, along with thinning hair, may indicate an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.
Bottom Line
If you are losing hair quickly, it might be due to some reasons mentioned above. However, there are many things you can do to slow or stop hair loss. But what exactly needs to be done depends on each specific situation. Keep in mind that any hair loss treatment is a long process and can take 6 to 12 months, so be patient.